I was recently interviewed by Messages in Motion, an outreach of Suite Imagery. They asked me about being a film maker and what its like to get started in the industry. As I said in the interview, the most important thing you need to do is work with the equipment. Work on projects. Get on set. But, what I didn't say in the interview, although perhaps I should have, is don't give up.
I don't mean 'don't give up' as in 'keep waiting and hoping that something is going to come your way.' Yes, its good to hope for future opportunities and look for them, but don't imagine that your success is dependent on someone else's project crossing your path by happenstance. If thats the primary attitude you take then even when the opportunities come by, will you exude the confidence to be offered? And will you have the gumption to take it?
When I say 'don't give up,' I mean: Go. Get out there. Make yourself known. Be confident about what you know and excited about what you can learn. Meet people. Follow the smallest lead, and follow every single one. Something will pay off and it will lead to more connections and more payoffs. And even then, don't give up. Keep going. You will always have something to offer and always have something to learn.
And in the midst of that ambition, enjoy it. Enjoy the knowledge that you are pursing your passions and that you have the opportunity to try and reach your goals. A lot of people don't. A lot of people don't have the resources and others don't have the confidence and will power to believe that even their smallest desires deserve to be fulfilled. You are one of the few who gets to pursue happiness and that pursuit, as far as I'm concerned, is happiness.
So - don't give up.
I don't mean 'don't give up' as in 'keep waiting and hoping that something is going to come your way.' Yes, its good to hope for future opportunities and look for them, but don't imagine that your success is dependent on someone else's project crossing your path by happenstance. If thats the primary attitude you take then even when the opportunities come by, will you exude the confidence to be offered? And will you have the gumption to take it?
When I say 'don't give up,' I mean: Go. Get out there. Make yourself known. Be confident about what you know and excited about what you can learn. Meet people. Follow the smallest lead, and follow every single one. Something will pay off and it will lead to more connections and more payoffs. And even then, don't give up. Keep going. You will always have something to offer and always have something to learn.
And in the midst of that ambition, enjoy it. Enjoy the knowledge that you are pursing your passions and that you have the opportunity to try and reach your goals. A lot of people don't. A lot of people don't have the resources and others don't have the confidence and will power to believe that even their smallest desires deserve to be fulfilled. You are one of the few who gets to pursue happiness and that pursuit, as far as I'm concerned, is happiness.
So - don't give up.