Seriously, this website is old. You can watch my producer reel below and then just email me if you want to know more because this website is so outdated and not at all representative of the work I've been doing the past few years. I've been getting so much work that I haven't had time to update it (great problem!), so now it needs a serious overhaul. I'm working it and that producer reel below is updated but it takes time to make a good website with my most current work. So standby! It'll be soon. Meanwhile, email me or use the contact form if you want to work with me or want to chat because I'm worth working with and getting to know (unlike this website which is sad).
Seriously, this website is old. You can watch my producer reel below and then just email me if you want to know more because this website is so outdated and not at all representative of the work I've been doing the past few years. I've been getting so much work that I haven't had time to update it (great problem!), so now it needs a serious overhaul. I'm working it and that producer reel below is updated but it takes time to make a good website with my most current work. So standby! It'll be soon. Meanwhile, email me or use the contact form if you want to work with me or want to chat because I'm worth working with and getting to know (unlike this website which is sad).