Count to a Hundred
Title: Count to a Hundred
Director: Teresa Seale Duration: 00:07:49 Format: PAL Logline: When his life is lonely and boring, a boy imagines the worst on his family farm. Official Selection: Laughlin International Film Festival, HolyShorts Monthly Film Festival, Austin Short Film Fest, and Connect Film Fest Screening |
Synopsis: Thomas, 6, loves adventure but, bored with the quiet life of his family’s farm, he plays hide and seek with his reluctant teenage sister. While he hides in the shadows of the barn, Thomas witnesses two sketchy men unloading a heavy sack. A mystery is raised: could this be a dead body? Terrified and thrilled, he follows the men and soon notices that Michelle is missing. But then his father calls him over and the men are introduced as the new farmhands. So they must not be murderers. And that wasn’t a dead body. Right?